
“Research is creating new knowledge.” – Neil Armstrong

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” – Zora Neale Hurston

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination.” – Albert Einstein

Research Interest

  • Design and Modeling of Net Zero Energy/Carbon Buildings
  • Optimization of Distributed Energy Systems Integrated with Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
  • Development of Advanced Sensor and Control Systems for Energy Applications
  • Advancement in Energy Standards and Policy

Journal Publications

You can find my journal articles from the Google Scholar links below.

Current Funded Research Projects

Cloud-Driven Solutions for Net Zero Energy Building Applications
  • Development of a cloud-based software application for residential net zero energy buildings that can support LG’s sales and R&D activities in the US.
  • Evaluation and improvement of the developed cloud-based application based on the feedback from LG sales and application engineers.
  • Sponsored by LG Electronics, USA
Precision Angle Measurement System for Enhanced Heliostat Performance and Cost Reduction
  • Design, fabricate, and test a cost-effective yet highly precise surface angle measurement sensor that will provide detailed data on the mirror surface reflection angle of a heliostat under standard operating conditions.
  • Develop publicly accessible online education modules that cover fundamentals of CSP and heliostats.
  • Sponsored by National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Resilient Biomass-Combined Heat and Power Systems for Isolated Communities
  • Combined heat and power (CHP) systems offer higher energy gains while improving energy supply reliability and reducing energy costs and environmental footprint. Although CHP technologies have been widely studied using different fuel sources, potential application of biomass CHP (bCHP) systems in isolated (remote and rural) communities has received very little attention. Moreover, biomass CHP deployment in these areas is hindered by several challenges, namely, unclear utility value proposition, limited CHP supply infrastructure, market and non-market uncertainties, lack of end-user awareness and economic decision-making tools.
  • To address these challenges, our team will develop optimal design and operational strategies of bCHP systems for rural communities. In addition, we will also provide various case studies that demonstrate feasibility and potential of bCHP systems in Mississippi’s rural communities.
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture

Past Funded Research Projects

Enabling Net-Zero Energy Residential Buildings with Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems
  • Sponsored by LG Electronics, USA
Thermal transport characterization of phase-change material (PCM) infused in annular passage filled with additively manufactured metal foam obtained through Octet-shaped unit cell reticulation under micro-gravity conditions
  • Sponsored by NASA
Light Trapping, Enclosed Planar-Cavity Receiver for Heating Particles to Enable Low-Cost Energy Storage and Chemical Processes (LTPCR)
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Mississippi State University Industrial Assessment Center
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Research and Development to Advance Air Filtration and Treatment in Nuclear Applications and Address Critical Needs and Challenges Within the DOE Complex
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Enhancing particle-to-sCO2 heat exchanger effectiveness through novel high-porosity metallic foams
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Determining Performance of Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems for Net-Zero Energy Buildings
  • Sponsored by LG Electronics, USA
Evaluation of HEPA Filters and Other Technologies to Enhance Nuclear Safety in the Defense Waste Complex
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Research on a Dynamic Natural Convection Based Passive Cooling System for Nuclear Power Plants during a Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger with Heat Pipe Technology
  • Sponsored by Modine Manufacturing
Smart Building Wireless Sensor Network
  • Sponsored by ASHRAE
Performance and Durability Evaluation of Radial Flow HEPA Filters and of the Behavior of Filter Media Specimens at High Differential Pressure in Viscous Liquid Flows
  • Sponsored by Bechtel National Inc.
Enhanced Evaluation of Variable Refrigerant Flow System Integrated with Dedicated Outdoor Air System (VRF-DOAS)
  • Sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mississippi Toyota Plant HVAC System Evaluation
  • Sponsored by the State of Mississippi
System Level Fatigue Analysis Using Multistage Fatigue Model
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Defense
Vehicle Thermal Management
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Defense
Advanced Controls Research and Development
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
EnergyPlus Module Development
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Packaged HVAC Solution Tool Development
  • Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy